B contains the same elements as A, except the rows and columns are interchanged. Ur = r./Vmag (r) Now Ur is the unit vector in the 'r' direction, expressed in the user reference frame, such that r (1) ) OR it might even be better to define the data in one array to start with, rather than in twelve separate …Create a matrix containing complex elements and compute its nonconjugate transpose. Combine 2D matrices to form 3D one in Matlab. Is it possible to concatenate 3D matrices in Matlab? 3. Multiply Two Matrices Create a 4 -by- 3 matrix and a 3 -by- 2 matrix. A = 49x49x18 B = 49x49x24 After concatenation I want to see the C = 49x49x42 as the concatenation of A and B at the third dimension. The code generator does not specialize multiplication by pure imaginary numbersit does not eliminate calculations with the zero real part. Suppose I have two matrices A and B that are 3d. Multiplication of pure imaginary numbers by non-finite numbers might not match MATLAB.